
Export Your Ben E. Keith Order Guide from the Entree System Website

Export Your Ben E. Keith Order Guide

EZchef customers can easily export their order guide file from the Ben E. Keith "Entree System" website, and then import directly into EZchef. Follow these simple instructions...

1. Log into the website : http://shop.benekeith.com

Contact Tim Bartee for support: 
(405)753-7746 Office

2. Select "My Lists" as shown below.

3. Select "History" to display all products purchased within the last 90 days.

4. From the List Actions window select "Export".

5. Select "CSV" as the file type, and then, one by one, "drag and drop" all fields highlighted in yellow to the right window frame as shown below. The names must be in the exact order as shown below.

6. Now select the "Default Export" button as shown above.

7. Depending on your browser you will now Save the file to your hard drive. The image below is from Internet Explorer. Use the "Save As" option to save to a location of your choice.